leonie charlotte tielen (1971)
Leonie Charlotte Tielen. Gratuated from Amsterdam school of the Arts and from Amsterdam University with her study textual and visual images in 1994, has been working since then to compile a portfolio with all sorts of artdirections. Such as mixed media, ceramics, drawings and stone sculptures. Loving life as it is she has been supporting clients through creative coaching, helping them to achieve more fulfillment in life.
Her studio based in the south of Holland with a 100 square meters floor creates a beautiful environment for new artists. If Da Vinci can do it so can you, in everybody is an artist hidden somewhere. It is up to you to let it out.
For more information, a question, a remark or just simple information about her classes and courses please get in contact through the contact page.
2020 juni IFMA kunstcollectief Kunsthuis de Bakkerij Bergen
2019 Zomer 36 Artworks Kunsthuis De Bakkerij Bergen
2019 Kunstkijken Grubbenvorst
2018 open ateliergroep world art house well
2018 Kunstkijken Grubbenvorst
2017 Kunstkijken Grubbenvorst
2016 Kunstkijken Grubbenvorst
2016 1/4 Expo 36 Artsworks Kunsthuis de Bakkerij
2015 Nettetal open atelierroute Duitsland
2015 Frans Goossens & Leonie Tielen Kunsthuis de Bakkerij Bergen
2014 21/9 Museum Bommel van dam Maghreb meets Europa
2014 IFMA Kunstcollectief de smaak van kunst educatief
2013 IFMA Kunstcollectief de smaak van kunst
2011 Rondom Marokko
2010 8/1 – 21/2 Werner Jaeger Halle Nettetal duitsland
2009 rondzien rond Poezie cultureel podium Domani Venlo
2008 29/10 – 30/11 rond Frida Kahlo cultureel podium Domani Venlo
2007 24/2 – 9/4 rondzien etalageproject Kiek Dao Ens
2002 opening de Kunstzaak de pijp Amsterdam
2000 open Atelierroute de pijp Amsterdam
1998 Galerie Zaandijk
1997 Mixed Summer Exhibition Gallery Heinzel Aberdeen Scotland
1997 Summer exhibition Peacock Printmakers Aberdeen Scotland
1993 Eindexamen Academie voor Beeldende Vorming Amsterdam
2020/2021 Saldersbron Grubbenvorst
2019 18/5 – 23/6 Kunsthuis de Bakkerij Bergen
2016 World Art House Well
2012 Synthese Venray
2009 ‘T Haeren Grubbenvorst
2009 De Galerie Venlo
2008 Klooster de Munt Tegelen
2007 Synthese Horst
2003/2006 Ambulancegebouw Venlo
2003 Advocatenkantoor Van der Helstplein Amsterdam
2002 Jan van Bremeninstituut Amsterdam
1997 The Lemon tree Aberdeen Scotland
1994 De Galerie Venlo
1992 Staccato Tegelen
2015 Nettetal Open atelierroute Duitsland
2011 Exposition Collective De La Foundation D’Artiste a la Galerie Maroc
2011 Du Musee Du Patrimoine Amazigde D’Agadir Maroc
2010 Werner Jaeger Halle Nettetal Duitsland
1997 Mixed summer exhibition Gallery Heinzel Aberdeen Scotland
1997 Mixed summer exhibition Peacock printmakers Aberdeen Scotland
1997 The lemon tree Aberdeen Scotland